What is CKD-AI?

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CKD-AI is a specialized artificial intelligence chatbot designed to provide information and guidance about kidney health for individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD). Built on the robust GPT-4 model from OpenAI, the best AI language model in existence, CKD-AI is specifically trained to discuss CKD and related topics, offering users reliable answers, advice, and assistance. The app is managed by the CKD-AI organization, a coalition of clinics, nephrologist, doctors, hospitals, patients and families united by AI and the fight against CKD. 

To get the most out of CKD-AI, we encourage users to take full advantage of the information provided by its creators on how to "prompt" the bot for the best answers and advice on the 'CHATBOT' page. By learning how to effectively communicate with CKD-AI, users can benefit from a wealth of knowledge on kidney health and CKD management.

While the GPT-4 large language model on which CKD-AI is built was reported to have  “passed the US medical licensing exam with flying colors — and diagnosed a 1 in 100,000 condition in seconds” (Insider), a better performance than many real doctors, it is essential to note that CKD-AI should only be used as a supplementary resource, in conjunction with advice from one's own doctor or nephrologist, and not as a replacement for professional medical guidance. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding your kidney health or treatment plan. If your doctor is new to the use of AI in kidney health care, you may direct him/her to our research repository page for doctors.

As an AI specifically trained on kidney health and CKD management, CKD-AI is designed to answer questions strictly within these domains, not distracting the user by enabling her to look up matters not related to her kidney health. For transparency, CKD-AI's training instruction was placed directly on the chatbot's user interface, above the question/prompt input field. If CKD-AI receives a question unrelated to kidney health or CKD, per the clear training directive coded on top of its user interface, it will decline to answer that question.

We invite you to explore CKD-AI and harness the full capabilities of AI as the best personal assistant in your CKD management.

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